Hidden Jiu Jitsu Featured on Jiu Jitsu Mag 360

Wow! Jiu Jitsu Magazine came out with an incredible new app that's taking digital magazines to the next level! It's called "Jiu Jitsu Mag 360" and you can download it on iTunes and Google Play store for FREE!
The app is FREE to download and the first digital issue is also FREE! It features TONS of free videos and unique 360 degree views on techniques.
I'm honored to be one of the featured articles in the first issue.
The word LEVERAGE gets thrown around a lot in Jiu-Jitsu but it is just one small element that helps us to be able to over come bigger stronger opponents.
What is also important to understand is proper body mechanics, how we can engage the larger stronger muscles in our body to do the work of smaller muscles and how to use the whole body as one for maximum efficiency.
Another element that helps us deal with strength is angles. Understanding the proper angle to engage our opponent where they are weak not strong. We never want to fight strength, we want to use it against our opponent or go around it.
Download the app here to check out my article and all the other amazing content that Jiu Jitsu Mag is giving away FREE.